
Fundraising Stores

Firefly Specialty Printing is a custom apparel company that also provides a super easy-to-use, highly profitable fundraising platform. And good news for you, unlike other platforms, there are no start-up fees or minimum raise requirements. You call or text 339-832-6305 or email us at [email protected] and we will create a T-shirt fundraising web store for you. We also takes care of the design work and even suggests pricing that will ensure your products will sell.

Then you simply share the store’s web link with your friends, colleagues, and family. You can post it, e-mail it, text message it, or, even better, do all three. That’s it. Firefly does all the rest of the work for you: Firefly collects the T-shirt sizes and the money, prints and ships the T-shirts (or any other apparel you choose to sell) directly to the buyers, and then sends a check for the profits directly to you. Fundraising could not be easier than with Firefly Specialty Printing!

Check out our current stores running    fireflyteamstores.com

Female asian mentor teacher instructor teaching caucasian businesswoman help intern explaining online project instructing new worker trainee looking at laptop computer write notes sit at office desk

Our fundraising experts

help you choose your

products and store pricing!

Online shopping website on laptop. Home shopping

We set up your

store to maximize

your fundraising profits!

city lifestyle woman hands working on computer typing laptop keyboard using IOT IT SEO 4G wifi cyber internet online digital media technology pc device in urban office space environment in vintage style

We set up your

store to maximize your

fundraising profits!

Shopping online concept - Parcel or Paper cartons with a shopping cart logo in a trolley on a laptop keyboard. Shopping service on The online web. offers home delivery.

We ship orders to the

group coordinator, FREE

or direct to each individual

(shipping fees apply)

Planting a pile of money trees in sequence includes a woman's hand pointing to a tree on coins, savings and environmental investment ideas.


You decide the listed price of your products. No leftover inventory, only print what is sold.

Give your customers a way to support you and get some cool swag in return.

Your only job is to promote, promote, promote!


 We have no upfront cost for you to create an online store with us.  Basically there is no risk!

You sell at whatever price you’d like to above the base rate and we will pay you the difference.
